Jumat, 19 Juli 2019

Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV)

Hallo sobat Mathematics, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Variable Linear Equation System. Semoga bermanfaat, and enjoyyy

1. Definition Of SPLDV
SPLDV is a….
system of equations or forms of relationships similar to in the form of algebra  which has two variables and one rank and if depicted in a graph it will form a   straight line. And because of this, this equation is called a linear equation.

2. Characteristics of SPLDV
·         Use the equal sign relation (=)
·         Has two variables
·         Both of these variables have first degree (pangkat satu)

3. Matters relating to SPLDV
a. Tribe
Tribe is a part of an algebraic form consisting of variables, coefficients and constants. And each tribe is separated by addition or subtraction punctuation
6x - y + 4, then the tribes of the equation are 6x, -y and 4
b. Coefficient
Coefficient is a number that states the number of a number of similar variables. The coefficient is also called the number that is in front of the variable, because the writing of a coef fi cient equation is in front of the variable
Mika has 2 pineapple and 5 oranges. If written in the form of equations are:
    Pineapple = x and Orange = y
    The connection is 2x + 5y
    Where 2 and 5 are coefficients. And 2 is the coefficient x and 5 is the coefficient y
c. Variable
Variables, namely variables or substitutes for a number that is usually denoted by letters such as x and y.
Mika has 2 pineapple and 5 oranges.
If written in the form of an equation is
Pineapple = x
Orange = y
The connection is 2x + 5y
d. Constant
Constants are numbers that are not followed by variables, the value is constant or constant for whatever the value of the change is
2x + 5y + 7, from the equation the constant is 7, because 7 values ​​are fixed and are not affected by any variable

4. Method of Completion of Two Variable Linear Equation Systems
To complete the spldv calculation method (a linear two-variable system of equations) it can be solved with the following 4 methods:
1)  Substitution Method
2) Elimination Method
3) Combined Method (Substitution and Elimination)
4) Graph Method

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