Senin, 22 Juli 2019

Operation and The Character of Integers

Hallo sobat Mathematics, balik lagi di blog Mathematics yang tidak bosen membahas materi seputar matematika.
Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang Operation and The Character of Integers. Semoga bermanfaat and enjoyyy

1. Addition
Example : 3 + 4 = -1

The character of addition :
          a)    Commutative
a + b = b + a
          b)   Associative
a + ( b + c ) = ( a + b ) + c
          c)    Closed
Integers + integers = integers
          d)   Identity
a + 0 = a

2. Subtraction
a – b = a + (-b)
Example : 4 – 2 = 4 + (-2) = 2

The character of subtraction
          a)    Inverse / opposite by addition
          Opposite by a is –a
          b)   Closed
          Integers – integers = integers
          c)    Not commutative
          d)   Not associative

3. Multiplication
(+) x (+) = +
(+) x (-) = -
(-) x (+) = -
(-) x (-) = +
The character of multiplication
a)  Commutative
a x b = b x a
b) Associative
a x (b x c) = (a x b) x c
c)  Closed
Integers x integers = integers
d)  Identity
a x 1 = a
e)  Multiplication by zero = 0
f)  Distributive
·      For addition
a x (b+c) = (axb)+(axc)
·      For subtraction
a x (b-c) = (axb)-(axc)

4. Division
(+) : (+) = +
(+) : (-) = -
(-) : (+) = -
(-) : (-) = +
The character of division
a.   Inverse / opposite by multiplication
a : b = c
a x 1/b = c
a = b x c
b.  Identity
a : 1 = a
c.   Division by zero
0 : a = 0
a : o = ~~
5. Power
an = a x a x a…x a
until n.factors
a = basic number
n = exponent
an = rank number

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